Our Company History
ROMANIA EUROEST was set up as a limited liability company on 1998, having main activity repair of railway vehicles. On 1999, it debuts on freight railways transport and railway shunting market, recording together with the repair work, outstanding financial performance. On 2002 it acquired the hotel called AMURG (TWILIGHT) in South Eforie, which exploits both the hotel purposes and for conducting meetings of Railway (meetings, and so on). Starting with the date of 17.03.2003, the legal form of the company became a joint stock company with Romanian private capital, having headquarters in Constanta, 20 Justitiei street (post code 900266).
Facing complementary needs of the beneficiaries, to the activities provided, a structure of 3 more companies constituted into a group with the same main shareholder, had been created, which completes the adjacent requirements through a package of related services / individual, thus simplifying the beneficiaries efforts in getting other contractors and also, significantly reducing their costs:
S.C. TEHNOTRANS FEROVIAR S.R.L. overhauling and repairing electric locomotives, railway operator and shunting
S.C. EUROFER TRANS S.R.L. cargo transport organizer
S.C. EURO CONSTRUCT S.A. repair railways and bridges
Due to experience gained in the 13 years of activity, in order to stimulate and improve the management of the whole group, starting on 01.07.2012, SC ROMANIA EUROEST S.A. yielded the quality carrier to SC TEHNOTRANS FEROVIAR S.R.L., transferring the entire railway operating activities (including staff, equipment, contracts).
This context has favored the expansion and consolidation of the critical railway rolling stock repair market position, by enhancing coordinates in the industrial area of the working point opened in Galati starting on 01.09.2012.
Technical features
To ensure the quality of revision and repair works performed, SC ROMANIA EUROEST S.A. holds stands and devices required for locomotives units and subassemblies tested � certified by the ROMANIAN RAILWAY AUTHORITY, and also the following features:
Workshop with specific equipments (Constanta, no. 20 Justitiei Street, the Port of Constanta, Dana 17 - between silos, Galati, no. 1 Smardan Street)
Industrial railway lines
tf 3.2 crane
Jack lifts 4 x 20 ft
Multifunctional Robot powered at 380 V
Workshop injection pumps and injectors
Workshop pneumatic / thermal / electric cars
Carpentry workshop
Workshop mechanical / electrical / Turning
Laboratory evidence oils
Locomotives - 18 pieces of which:
LDE 2100 CP = 1 piece
LDE 1250 CP = 6 pieces
LDH 1250 CP = 7 pieces
LDH 700 CP = 3 pieces
LDH 450 CP = 1 piece